Friday, January 13, 2017


FOLKS, maybe I am a bit naive about  Click to view

 international politics. My writings do not hew any closer to the view that "only vested interests matter." But I wish to send in my views about what is happening in the United States where over 3,5 million of our Kababayan are based and sending in 13 billion  (including that from Canada or more than half of the approximately $25 billion sent by Filipino people overseas. 

1.. HE HAS SCANT KNOWLEDGE OF HOW THE GOVERNMENT WORKS. I could sense that he is playing it by ear. All his comments are not based on studies and informed sources but his own personal accounts. 

2. His presence would attract more terrorists. The ISIL terrorist band applauded when he won. That is something to think about. 

3. With his nil knowledge about running a continental government, it is highly probable that he would always seek advice from Kremlin. 

4. His fights with the intelligence group are signs of having been derived from an advice of someone who has revolutionary ideas about toppling societies. He is incapable of thinking about that alone. Only someone knowledgeable about goings-on in the intelligence circle could be backing him up to strike down the intel groups in the US. 

5. His presence, his tenure would be a black blot to political history, to Republican Party history  and US history in general. 

5. His daily impulsive acts could lead to untoward moves and as president, his people, his party would feel sheepish about approaching him and much more so, chastising him for untoward ideas. 

7. Time to think futuristic, to gauge his probable moves once he gains power. 

8. Kremlin would have two continents to lead, one overtly and one covertly. That would be the end of democracy. Two Continental leaderships would bring about dictatorial tendencies. The head of Russia is very refined in terms of and knowledgeable about sabotage, as he was a former KGB member. 

(KGBRussian in full Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, English Committee for State Security, foreign intelligence and domestic security agency of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet era the KGB’s responsibilities also included the protection of the country’s political leadership, the supervision of border troops, and the general surveillance of the population.)
9, Leading two continents is equivalent to ruling the world already. 

10. In fact, his move to recall all diplomats can only be derived from someone who knows international radical politics deeply. And he is incapable of that. Someone higher is advising him; that someone knows the ins and outs of politics, internationally and internally in the US because they have long been studying the weaknesses of the States. 

11. We are dealing with a group that purports to be Communist but are not Communist as it has a long record of being callous to the plight of the millions of Syrian refugees in Europe. A Communist is most humane where poor people are concerned. 

12. The 3.5 million who voted for Hillary Clinton should write to all the RP officials in Congress to rethink the present situation, find ways  to invalidate his election because it would wreak havoc on the country, create divisions among the people where they should be united; he would be favoring one sector over the marginalized sectors of society; he would callously implement his decisions without regard for contrary views and thus undermine the long history of struggles of the people versus bigotry, slavery and oppression. His term would be marked by violence as all the military forces would be under him as Commander-in-Chief. 

13. Republican Party officials have to stand tall and really gauge what kind of president they are backing up. although they have a strong historical background, rooted to Abraham Lincoln who was anti-slavery; now US will have a president, a slave to Kremlin.

14. Women's ascent to power is always fraught with gravest difficulties and violent struggles. But now is the time for all the parties in America to think through if they would really want a president-elect beholdened to Kremlin or a feminist who espouses pro-American values.

15. All heterogenous members of women's groups and all other sectors must convince their partners to rise up and make their voices be heard as one against a puppet of Kremlin. 

Now is the time also for all the parties in America to unite and preserve their national identity

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