Sunday, January 22, 2017


After helping build the economy and shaping a democratic government, the American women showed last January 21st, that they are also excellent where organizing women's marches are, not only in their country but everywhere around the globe. Congratulations are in order. 

The Women's March signifies that women can coalesce, gather and take a very strong stand where there is an imminent danger of losing our rights -- to our health, our voting rights, our equality in society in all aspects. In our case in the Philippines, our rights are moving to realization, barring steps to curb them like what is happening to the Reproductve Health bill. 

The only historical footnote I know of Women's March in the US is when the women workers marched to protest against the burning of their kins and colleagues killing them inside a factory that was padlocked by the owner for fear of theft!!!!

The march in New York City resulted in the declaration of March 8 as International Women's Day presented by Clara Zetkin, a German Marxist, to the Socialist International in Copenhagen. 

Many accounts now exist about the history of the declaration of March 8 but we need to sift through real historical papers to ascertain the data. Nonethelss above is a brief summary and Clara Zetkin was truly the promoter of the idea. 

Hence, the American women, collectively joined by immigrant women like our Kababayan Filipina-Americans who are professionals, workers and relatives of their spouses there are highly supportive of the idea of marching against Trump who has made threats as his way of disciplining, (should the people need that at all?) or shall we say of catching attention. 

The March reverberated around the globe, including Antarctica London; Tel Aviv; Melbourne, Australia; Pristina, Kosovo; Moscow; Berlin and Mexico City, Athens, Greece, and even included protester-refugees from Elliniko Camp, located in the old Athens airport.

I wish Hillary did not go up that stage to watch Trump bamboozle the administration of Obama. Instead she should have joined the March which was in support of her as the victim of Russian hacking of the US elections and the traitorous acts of Comey, the director of the FBI. 

I think that the organizers of Women's March must coordinate closely with her as she should be the presidential beneficiary of the 3 million votes and not this upstart who cannot make even a paragraph of sane, rational and deep theoretical delivery of social issues without a piece of paper. 
Hence, I am deeply moved by the results of the preparations of the organizers of the women's March in the United States and how it went global, showing that there truly exists a women's movement in this planet. We must protect, preserve and defend our movement against predators especially grabbers of presidencies, especially from women who rightfully need significant political spaces to make this world a peaceful, happy and therapeutic place to live in. 

so for pictures of the March please surf this:



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