Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hello Folks, here is a write-up about the rabbit, as 2011 will be its year of rule. We Filipino people are very much affected by the Chinese horoscope that is why I have reprinted it here. In Manila alone, in every corner, we would find Chinese people, stores, friends, who are very generous to us. By the way, I received two gifts from my Chinese neighbors, Sam, and Robert and his brother. Every year I receive a gift from Sam, and Robert just acquired a lot in front of ours this year.)

Now in our political arena, let's check which officials exhibit those Rabbit characteristics and let us exploit them to the hilt, so that they may truly be our OWN LEADER, and not someone just imposed on us by the ballot.

Happy Hopping New Year in advance!

Rabbits are private individuals, a bit introverted and withdrawn. People e born into this sign would rather work behind-the-scenes instead of being the center of attention in any situation. Do not misunderstand…the Rabbit is not a recluse. In fact, he is a reasonably friendly individual who enjoys the company of a group of good friends whether at a business dinner or a holiday party. Rabbits just like to be a part of the gang as opposed to the leader of it.

Years of the Rabbit

Rabbit Years are fourth in the cycle, following Tiger Years, and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Rabbit Year actually begins.


Rabbits, like their animal counterparts, are quite calm people who do not exhibit aggressive behavior and will avoid confrontation at all costs. When angry about something, a Rabbit will approach it calmly and considerately, hardly ever raising his voice or becoming visibly annoyed. Because of their serenity, Rabbits seem to miss things, whether they are confrontational in nature or not. However, the Rabbit is quite keen and pays close attention to the situations developing around him. He is intelligent and quick and can talk himself in or out of most situations with no problem.

The Chinese Rabbit is one of the most stylish creatures of the Chinese Animal Signs and finds interest in different cultures. He is classy and sophisticated, and can be found adorning one of the latest fashion magazine cover looks. Rabbits also like artistic ventures, such as painting and music and are generally quite present in these worlds. They love top express themselves, which is evident when joining them at home for a function or a cup of coffee.


People born in the Year of the Rabbit share certain characteristics. The Rabbit Sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individual’s personality. Following are features associated with the Sign of the Rabbit.

Fourth in order, Chinese name-TU, sign of peace

Hour—5am-6:59am Month—March

Western Counterpart—Pisces


Keen, Wise, Fragile, Tranquil, Serene, Considerate, Fashionable, Sneaky, Obsessive


The characteristics of the Rabbit are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.


Metal gives Rabbits a more resilient demeanor than the other more quiet Rabbit. These Rabbits are very ambitious and can be quite crafty in their dealings with others. They throw themselves and their emotions into everything they do, making them intense lovers, but not outwardly affectionate lovers. Their determination can affect their work as well, whether through personal relationships with colleagues or with the work itself, a Rabbit can be known to immerse himself in his projects…business and personal.


Delicate and docile, Water Rabbits will pretty well go with the flow to avoid any conflict or argument. These situations hurt them and bother them because they are such sensitive creatures. They are usually sociable and relaxed, although sometimes they get withdrawn and introspective. They are supportive with family and friends as well as business partners and display an empathy that makes people flock to them for friendly advice and comfort. Sometimes, they can easily be taken advantage of because they are so generous with themselves and their emotions. So they have to be careful not to let their guards down so quickly.


Wood Rabbits tend to be the least bit indecisive. This is probably due to their always wanting to play the peacemaker and not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings. Wood Rabbits are incredibly generous souls and like to avoid the spotlight instead preferring to live amongst others. These people are always kind enough to help you move into a new house, make you a hot cup of coffee or to listen while you rant and rave about your latest character flaw. The Wood Rabbit can sometimes be too kind for his own good, thus causing him to be taken advantage of and sometimes even used by others unknowingly. Rabbits have to learn to say no and to out their feet down or their cups will overflow.


Fire adds an unspoken magnetism and mystery to the Rabbit. These creatures have a burning desire to get out there and live life to its fullest. They are active and adventurous and love anything that sparks their creativity or curiosity. They can throw tantrums here and there, if provoked, but most of the time they work very hard to avoid conflict or unpleasant confrontations. Fire Rabbits are charming and tend to push their emotions into the backs of their minds, but will speak up if necessary.


The Earth element gives these Rabbits a sense of reality and practicality that others don’t illustrate so freely. They are able to give sound advice, which in turn gets them respect and trust from those who solicit their counsel. They take pride in their homes and work diligently to make them a place of security for their loved ones. In the same breath, Earth Rabbits put a great deal of value on material comforts and like to make money.



Rabbits are apt to be sensitive to ailments and to have bad allergies. Stress or conflict will detriment the Rabbit’s health. Exercise could take off unnecessary stress and strengthen the Rabbit’s physical condition, but he tends not to work out regularly. Rabbits have to learn to incorporate more action into their everyday routines.


A Rabbit will become depressed and withdrawn if his home does not consist of beautiful possessions that make him comfortable. They are extremely organized and the best way to throw a Rabbit off is to remove something from its sitting place. They are so orderly and their homes and offices so clutter-free that it is sometimes a point of humor with their friends. Rabbits are modest in their decorating choices and choose different shades of green such as sages and turquoises.



Rabbits have really good communication skills and are best utilized in positions of management. They make great teachers and PR people because they are so diplomatic and well-organized. Even so, they can also make great painters or musicians due to their sense of beauty and their love of creativity.


Rabbit people are usually relatively careful when it comes to their finances. And that lucky rabbit foot didn’t just come out of nowhere…Rabbits are pretty lucky folks! They use much of their money for possessions such as their homes, cars or furniture. They would rather invest their money in gadgets and things than in the stock market. They love hunting for antiques, arts and crafts and will tend to make sound investments in these types of things.


Those born in the Year of the Rabbit share the same kinds of goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Rabbit are listed below:














PR agents

Fashion designers


Whether Rabbits are compatible with their business partners depends on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their business partner. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters of their business partners can also be very useful.

Rabbits ruled by Benefit From Are antagonistic to

Metal Earth Sheep Fire Dragons

Water Metal Dogs Earth Roosters

Wood Water Rabbits Metal Horses

Fire Wood Snakes Water Tigers

Earth Fire Pigs Wood Monkeys

Leisurely activities and pleasures


Since Rabbits are born under the same Animal Sign, they often share likes and dislikes. Following are similar likes and dislikes of the Rabbit personality.

Color Preference: Pale Green

Gems and Stones:

Crystal, Emerald, Pearl

Suitable Gifts: Tapestry kit, CD, fine wine, easel, lyrics book

Hobbies and Pastimes: Writing poetry, hiking, planting gardens and trees, chatting with friends

Rabbits Dislike: Touchy-feely people, abrupt curves in their routines, disorganization


Rabbits love to indulge in different cultures and spend a lot of their lifetimes trying to find inner peace. Sensitive and careful by nature they would be just as happy shopping for hidden treasures at the local flea market or yard sale to display in their delicately decorated homes. Rabbits tend to want to travel to traditional places such as Europe and Asia when they have time off. In addition, taking a course to release their creative energies such as photography or instrument lessons would make the Rabbit feel well-rounded and accomplished.


Rabbits, although outgoing, are definitely not the leaders of the pack or the spotlight thieves. They like to be associated with a group or a club, where they find comfort in the company of others. Rabbits just happen to be low-profile people. Perhaps this is because they tend to be rather picky about who they pal around with. Rabbits love their friends and offer them all a warm refuge and a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. They enjoy catching up and hanging out more than anything.

Compatible Friends

Best Friends: Sheep and Pigs

Mortal Enemy: Roosters


Many Rabbit people have large families. The Chinese say this is due, in part, to them being the sign of fertility. Despite the record-breaking number of children any Rabbit person may have, the happiness of his partner and family is essential to his own well-being. Although they love their children intensely and take care of them quite affectionately, sometimes Rabbit parents can come off as looking uninterested or distant. Still, Rabbits are so defending of their children that they often appear strict and overbearing.

When their children are little, Rabbit parents will dress them in cute little outfits and will insist they act mild mannered and politely. Rabbits often find themselves wrapped around the tiny fingers of their kids and will do anything for them, too make them happy and to keep the peace. Rabbits despise arguing with their children, as conflict makes them quite uncomfortable, and they will avoid it at all costs. Rabbits will always be there for their children and will help them even as they grow and mature. They find themselves there for their kids throughout their lives.


Young Rabbits are very sensitive children. They tend to let their emotions get the best of them and will cry with no remorse. At school, these children often get teased for being so sensitive and become branded crybabies by other boys and girls. Rabbit children are especially close to their mothers and maintain a wonderfully close relationship with them throughout their lives. They depend on their mothers for advice and support and will reciprocate when necessary. Rabbit children are desperate for stability and routine and require a sort of scheduling to do their best work. Like the adult Rabbit, Rabbit children are likely to be quite interested in the arts, particularly in music, a subject in which most Rabbit children thrive.


Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship no matter how hard they try to make it happen. Following are the compatibility ratings between Rabbit parents and their children.

Rabbits with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating

Rat a bit of incongruity **

Ox pretty supportive **

Tiger conflicting views **

Rabbit very well-established ****

Dragon creativity thrives ***

Snake a solid, affectionate relationship ****

Horse not much communication *

Sheep easygoing ****

Monkey a bit of restlessness ***

Rooster argument-prone *

Dog a deep commitment ***

Pig stable and loving ****

*uphill struggle **some complications ***easy bonding ****on the same wavelength

Lovers and spouses


The Rabbit lover would never dream of wearing his heart on his sleeve. The Rabbit seems aloof, yet underneath is sensual and loving - a tough facade protects a tender interior. Rabbit folk are romantic yet realistic, generous yet mercenary. Rabbits are strongly Yin and, whether male or female, are in tune with the feminine part of their psyche. Their mothering instinct compels them to nurture others, and they have an innate love of home and family.


Rabbits are easily moved to tears through words, thoughts and actions. They are deeply sensitive people who shun conflict. Rabbits tend to be a little moody and are sometimes influenced by the friends they have. Despite their cool exterior, they have a reputation for being very sexual and intimate beings. Although they may go a little crazy in their youth, they will commit themselves readily to a partner for life.


The Rabbit needs a partner who is affectionate and loving and who will pamper his mate a bit. A partner who shares the style and suave of the Rabbit will make a good lover for him as well. Chinese horoscopes are very specific about which partnerships have the potential to be successful in love and in business. Yet, though destiny can pint us in the right direction, we must still make all efforts to maintain loving relationships. Following is a brief description of how a Rabbit will affect a relationship with other Animal Signs.



The Rat will aggravate your nerves. Better steer clear.


Calm and quiet…your kind of romance.


You’ll make a good duo.


Destined for success…same outlook and relaxed lifestyle will keep you both quite content.


Your differences cold either drive you apart or make your bond that much stronger.


Intense romantic ideals and heated passions make this pairing exotic and exciting!


You can handle it…if you want to.


You share love, affection, truth…you’ll be great for each other!


You’ll probably end up hurting each other irreparably.


You can’t stand each other…why risk romance?


You’ve got potential.


Absolute bliss. You’re good friends and great lovers.

Love Partners at a Glance

Rabbits with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility

Rat too different *

Ox caring and sensitive ***

Tiger your differences make you closer ***

Rabbit best of mates ****

Dragon learn to compromise **

Snake intensely sexual ***

Horse pretty hard **

Sheep heavenly ****

Monkey don’t try *

Rooster no way *

Dog strong and healthy ***

Pig shared understanding ****

*dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic



These people need their own space and will utilize their ambitious natures by changing career patterns and personal paths throughout their lives. They need to be in motion and motivate themselves through change.


These Rabbits measure their success in the acquisitions they have made. They like the stability and comfort of nice things and work hard to provide these luxuries to themselves and their families.


These people love to talk and actually, unlike most Rabbits, like to be the center of attention. They make great friends and find talking stimulates them.


These Rabbits find themselves in a tight relationship with their mothers. They are deeply sensitive individuals who are most at ease in the comforts of their own home.


These people are extremely popular with others, partly due to their suave natures. They are outgoing, yet conditioned, and are one of the most confident of these combinations.


These Rabbits are incredibly and almost annoyingly organized. They can be seen as anal, but trust they will never lose anything and will finish most nay project they start. They are a bit fussy about their neatness, but are some of the most efficient people you will ever meet.


Libran Rabbits are quite the sophisticated breed and love to be in the midst of a social situation. They play the part of the socially-aware quite convincingly.


These Rabbits are demure, and you never quite know what they’ll do next. They are creative and open-minded and you can find most working in the arts. Although they are relatively stand-offish at times, they carry with them a depth of character unbeknownst to most people.


These are probably the most open-minded of the Rabbits finding comfort in just relaxing at home. They don’t get caught up in the sensitive characteristics of the normal Rabbit and would rather be a little less emotional and a lot more comfortable.


These Rabbits thrive on promotions and raises at work. They work to see their efforts rewarded and take pride in their statuses and titles at work. They are loyal, handworkers, although not showy in their endeavors.


These Rabbits love to learn new things and search for the answers to their own questions. They are gifted with imagination and determination. These individuals would rather be rich in knowledge than in possessions.


The Piscean Rabbit is quite a complex person. He is creative and will work best in relaxed, peaceful situations where his creativity can be explored and put to good measure.


Monday, December 27, 2010


we, people of the earth have long been living here,
that we have not been good to one another,
that we have not taken care of the earth,
that we need to take cognizance of our relationships with one another,
that some have used power to dominate others, for more power, for greed, for wealth, whatever,
that others have been good but their acts have been thwarted by more powerful forces out to maintain the status quo
that we are now at the crossroads of losing our grip on our lives
that we need to change, to make changes, and to overhaul our inner lives, our behavior
that we need to reconnect with the highest powers who brought us here
that we need to view our lives here on earth as temporary, so that each one may live frugally without having to amass so much wealth at the expense of other people's lives
that we need to respect the reasons for everyone's being
and these are to live with dignity, respect, and honor
hence fundamental to these is the right, the need to honor the tenets of all contracts and covenants that have been promulgated by many nations foremost of which is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and therefore, let those countries which fail to honor a provision or provisions of the Declaration and all other contracts and covenants be dealt with immediately by all nations, so that the right of every individual to live in this world may be respected,
and to insure that happiness may be possessed by everyone while still alive on this earth.


Folks when you live in a country like the Philippines, we could really turn rigid or wax sentimental and think of ways by which we can turn our society over in order to be more caring of one another.

I offer this prayer so that each one of us may have something to mull over as another chapter of our life may be ending and a new one is beginning, from 2010 to 2011.

Always we are hopeful, the Filipino people are a hopeful lot, that our lives would change, that we need not go out of the country to enjoy the blessings of the earth, the nationalist legacies of our heroes and heroines, the resources of our country - both human and natural; and

That everyone could live happily till they breathe their last breath, while knowing that the succeeding generations shall also enjoy their stay on earth without fear or danger of being taken over by forces more powerful than they are.

Maybe this is a dream, but everything starts with a dream, doesn't it?

May the coming year be kinder to us.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


What is the purpose of a lantern parade? First of all it is to unite all the sectors of UP to render the season meaningful by expressing their ideas about it visually and possibly orally. Secondly, it is to showcase the diverse talents of the students, faculty and employees in terms of artistically giving significance to the Christmas season. Thirdly it is to honor a tradition of the UP community which has been celebrating the season for many, many years now.

However as I had a glimpse of the parade last Friday, 17 December 2017 in the campus, I discovered certain things which show a rather dull interpretation of Christmas. It lacked that jolly and optimistic mood which should be the prevailing sentiment as December is the end of the year and that we should look hopeful of the events of the coming year. Instead, many of the floats provided a stirring commentary on the current issues of the day which could have been "torturing" the floatmakers.

Pharmacy hired ati-atihan dancers to grace their file, meaning outsiders providing a more colorful participation for them. Why should this be the case? The college of human kinetics presented a man in brief showing all his muscles on his chest and limbs. But is this all that kinetics is all about? What came to my mind instead were the scenes of Chinese acrobats on stage, displaying their prowess in showing their bodies flying high and going against gravity. Isn't that what kinetics should have shown-- the capabilities of the students to express themselves bodily? Then the college of arts and letters did not move me at all -- or I must have missed some objects they could have presented -- as the float and parade had no reference at all to these, arts and letters. The college of law presented justice with a covered mouth. I think Lady Justice does not speak but rather the scales do -- showing whether law is tilted instead of being balanced. Hence the scene should have shown the scales depicting the lopsided state of justice in our country.

The student Stand-Up party was a let-down. This early, the students are being drawn into a sloganeering type of politicking. Its float showed PNoy in yellow shirt and pants of blue and white signifying the American ties, thereby implying that he is a puppet of the US. I do think that student organizations should not come up with radical bureaucratism nor sloganeering politics as well as thoughts in black and white. Most of all, they should already change their view of the United States -- a US ruled by the Democratic Party, certainly is different from that of the Republican.

Instead the students should be made to appreciate first of all the plethora of political theories and principles before (or probably never) hardening to that anti-American stance all the time. College studies are meant to make the students all-around personalities with principled perspectives and not black-and-white stance to make them look like caricatures themselves of the puppets they project.

The Statistics float looked like a mosque and when I asked one student why it was so -- she could not answer properly. So I ventured an explanation -- math was first discovered by the Arabs. Meanwhile the Beta Sigmans looked like Ku Klux Klan - with black-covered heads and faces - making themselves project that of racist acts of the white men against the blacks. What should have been a Christmassy atmosphere turned lugubriously Lenten.

The Institute of Biology was very apropos -- while it showed the institution 's lament over the recent lamentable deaths of three biologists, led by Leonardo Co, it also showed an optimistic view of biology as a discipline -- a butterfly emerging from its cocoon or Metamorphosis. Along the same vein, Architecture showed students wearing architectural designs of various edifices around the world like the NYC skyline with a green statues of Liberty (real woman in green make -up and clothes similar to the Christmas figure I had seen in NYC in 1991), the Taj Mahal of India, the Pyramids of Egypt, and many more. I really admire the creativity of the students.

The above were the ones I had seen during the parade. But I went to the College of Fine Arts to look at their floats. This college is now in the Hall of Fame as its floats had always won first prize every year. One float that struck me was done by the Industrial Design showing a big metallic fish with sharp teeth. One young girl in second grade at UPIS toured me around the different floats how each was lit up during the lantern. Then we went around and viewed the different small sculptures that stood by the trees in the driveway of the College. One was that of a bamboo opening up and with two beings -- a woman and a man. And she wondered what it meant. So I told her about the myth of Malakas at Maganda which is our Philippine interpretation of the creation of the earth and her inhabitants. I even sang to her my composition how we should disseminate that myth to all.

To my mind, the lantern parade must undergo a more thorough preparation to make it truly attractive and memorable. Paraders should be distinctly different in terms of costumes by departments, colleges and institutions. The floats should have a critical but creative and optimistic view of the season and the year to come and should be related to the discipline or field of study of the particular float group.

And most of all, -- No more sloganeering please. There is a time and a place for that. Instead let us come up with more creative phrases to drive home our point, something like -- LET JUSTICE AND PEACE REIGN IN THE COUNTRY. Or, DISCOVER THE PHILIPPINES -- TOUR OUR ISLANDS AND MEET OUR OWN PEOPLE FACE TO FACE. Or -- LABOR NOT FOR SHORTCHANGING. UPHOLD THE DIGNITY OF LABOR. JOBS IN THE PHILIPPINES, NOT ABROAD. OIL OWNERSHIP FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT FOR THE GREEDY. PESO PURCHASING POWER -- INCREASE! CELPHONE CHARGES - DECREASE! GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE NOT FOR THE FEW. Aren't these more positive messages? Let us disseminate optimism, not frustration and disappointment.

Happy Holidays, Folks.

P.S. Let's pray for the immediate recovery from cancer of Prof. Nita Abrogar, UP College of Music Piano Department, for whom Fides Cuyugan Asension held a fundraising recently.

Friday, December 3, 2010



Q (from EDGIE)Ms. Orozco, do you approve of the high rating for PNoy? He got 70% + thus showing that people like his administration.

A: To say no, does not mean that we disagree or our answer is in the negative. I think that his administration is too young to be judged, only a few months old. let us wait after a year. He has chosen people who seem to be democratic and that counts a lot, although some have shortcomings. But I think that we can be assured of a democratic regime under PNoy.

Q: There seems to b a reverse migration and the administration thinks it's because of PNOY. Do you agree?

A: In a way yes, if you view reverse as people returning to the country. But I think the OFWs are returning because they now see that work abroad is not all bed of roses. If you listen to the OFW programs on radio, they tackle a lot of stories about run-away domestic workers - cases of violence of the female employer, non-payment of salaries,no food, very few hours of sleep. And so, I believe that OFWs are taking a chance in this administration if it can provide them alternative employment or livelihood.

Q: What do you think of the RH bill?

A: Well, you see it's not easy to have a child (if your body is not protected against getting pregnant). IN its infancy you have to wake up in the middle of the night to beastfeed it, change its clothings, etc. When rthe child goes to school, you have to see how he/she interacts with the classmates, the teachers, and how they tackle the lessons.

Q: The Church is against the use of contraceptives. What do you think of this?

A: I support the use of the condom because as far as I am concerned it is just a piece of rubber that prevents contact between the sperm and the egg, so what's wrong with that? Why can't a woman choose the time to get pregnant?

You see by focusing on those devices, the Church makes us shy away from sex which is avery healthy acticvity between two consenting adults with healthy views.Sex is relaxing and it's not the only way that keeps a relationship. So Actually, the Church should just focus on educating the public on what is an ideal relationship between and man and woman, how liberated can it be. What are the best qualities of a man/woman worthwhile relating with? You seen, some men run away once the woman gets pregnant and so she is left as a single parent.

Here at UP, you see a lot of girls wearing what I call sex-bomb costumes, or short shorts. That's highly inappropriate. UP is composed of provincial and city-bred students. The former is not attuned to this kind of lifestyle and they could be easily distracted by thighs galore parading on the campus and inside classrooms. I have seen men inside jeepneys turn around watching those students. So I have devised a slogan: "UP FOR SERIOUS INTELLECTUALS, NOT FOR (BITCHY) BEACH LOAFERS AND SEX BAITERS."

You see those girls are inviting sexual overtures and should they give in, they could become another statistic for pregnant population, given their religious upbringin. The intellectual ranking of UP could thus get affected by all these goings-on. And the Church which has not said a thing about this fashion could be held liable for such unwanted or untimely pregnancies.

The Church is composed of frocked women and men who don't get married, who go home to their convents, and eat three times (with snacks) a day. That does not happen to most urban poor homes where pregnancy is rampant.

Folks, actually I am suffering from asthma now because our neighbor decided to paint their house and the fumes are killing my lungs as they gt wafted to our house. I just had to answer this phone patch call to be able to explain my point of view regarding a most important issue, the RH Bill.