Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Things will never be the same from hereon. We shall be forever wearing facial masks. We shall be wary of nearing any person. Otherwise, we would say he or she is a thief.

When we hand in our fares or make payments, we shall immediately sanitize our hands. Money is the dirtiest thing in the civilized world of business transactions I think.

We have to forget holding any pageant, concert or any theatrical shows since few tickets only may be sold as the theatres cannot be fully filled up. What then happens to our cultural skills?

I think composers and musicians in general are the lucky group since they can be creative singly or in twos only. Tell me in my FB page if I am wrong, Folks. 

We have seen how flatfooted some government officials as the virus started its trek in our country. And how a lot of them showed their truer colors -- that they are not really there to serve the public, but their pockets. Pathetic indeed. By the way, until now I have not received anything save about six kilos of rice, about a dozen sardines, a two mats of vitamins.

This crisis shows to us how shallow the knowledge about nutritious eating of the officials who should be taking care of us. Do they expect us to eat canned foods everyday? And no message about how to keep ourselves strong and healthy to resist the virus. In other words, Folks the bureaucrats are just plain paper pushers.

Our complaining public are already alerting the current underperforming officials that they can no longer be depended upon to vote for them because of their poor showing in this crisis. One can never fault our people for thinking that way.

Now we should also tell the radicals in the countrysides to keep off all moves to give to the rural folks their amelioration packages. I think it is the height of insensitivity to be blocking food and help for them and using violent means is also highly un-Christian, beyond moral standards of decency and just plain callous ideological bent.

Let us pray always to make the government be responsive and sensitive to our needs despite all the struggles we have to plod through.

Paglipas ng dilim, may liwanag.

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