Thursday, May 14, 2020


Here is how Sadism was employed during our fight against Covid 19:

First Day -- I was told to stay indoors as the coordinator for giving of seniors' subsidy will come to m unit. I live on the upper floor so I have no choice but to wait;

Second Day- the coordinator came but passed by my room until I had to go out and ask her, as she was at the farth,er end of the hallway already, why she did not knock on my door. she asked for a xerox copy of my senior citizen's ID;

Third  Day- I sent my ID through an emissary to the coordinator

Fourth Day - someone asked the barangay on my behalf about the status of my  case.  I was told that someone would come and give me my subsidy. 

Fifth Day - I was asked to fill up a form. After doing so, I had it sent back to the coordinator. 

Sixth Day - Another form: I was asked to fill up another form. 

Seventh Day -- My neighbor said that she was going to line up at the barangay. I asked her to inquire about the status of my subsidy. She came back later and said that the bgy would send the money to my unit, as there are other seniors in the building.

Eighth Day - The emissary came and said she herself was denied the subsidy as she is not a voter in the place. 

As for my case, she had no reply. 

Ninth Day - last day for giving of subsidy. Till late evening, no one came. 

At 9 in the evening, I heard a reporter over a Christian Broadcasting station, announce that DSWD is giving 8,000 to MetroManila residents, 5,600 to some outlying provincial residents, etcetera. This reporter did not know that the giving our of subsidies was terminated at 5 pm. 

That's the way hopes were dashed during this Anti-Covid 19 Age. Can Sadism be labelled a crime, and what is the penalty for it?
Sadism, psychosexual disorder in which sexual urges are gratified by the infliction of pain on another person. The term was coined by the late 19th-century German psychologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing in reference to the Marquis de Sade, an 18th-century French nobleman who chronicled his own such

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