All over the world, wars are going on-- verbally and physically. Individual against society; society against another society. Annihilation of each other is going on.
Meanwhile if the war occurs within a society, it is apparent that whoever is on top has the upper hand in terms of media exposure, not necessarily rationality of arguments.
The WH occupant position on immigration reveals a lack of social consciousness, a complete detachment from what is called humane.
He has a total disgust of other races, and an impatient desire to keep purely a white dominated society.
What happens when leaders develop a narrow view of society?
They invariably show a total ignorance or lack of knowledge about social philosophy.
What is social philosophy?
"Social Philosophy is the philosophy of human relations in Society. Society is a group of individuals united together with a definite end in view. Society is a web social relationship. The nucleus of the society is man. Society is a dynamic organization of purposive individuals." http://archive.mu.ac.in/myweb_test/SYBA%20Study%20Material/soc_philo-II.pdf
In other words, a knowledge of social philosophy should ground leaders into the realities of the society they are in and thus must create a living society where everybody lives in harmony and peace.
I think that the current situation of our politics in our world is a sign of the failure of social philosophers to inculcate the value and significance of their discipline.
Sure they exist but mainly as academic extensions, reaching out to society through research, surveys, investigations but not in terms of shaping society into a pulsating human situation with everyone imbued with kindness, sympathy and goodness to help especially those who are in need.
I think there should be a return to the fundamentals of social philosophy in order to know how human societies should be directed, instead of immersing ourselves in political wranglings and conflicts all designed to show who is in authority.
All individuals aspiring to lead in society must have a good solid ground in social philosophy not only in politics and the law.
"NIE WIDER KRIEG Never Again, War" by Kathe Kollwitz
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