Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The Christian religion is very  good at defining standards for judging the acts of individuals vis-a-vis-others. Good and evil are the forces governing our actions. Good means loving God and our neighbors, among all the commandments that God gave to Moses. Evil are the forces like the snake that baited Eve to eat the apple in the tree. 

These two standards are okay but they look too black and whitish. We should have a third: the Ugly. 

Now the past few days we have seen the Good arise from a remorseful man who has rethought his statements that God is _____. He now says that he is sorry he ever said that. "If it's the same God, I'm sorry, that's how it is. Sorry, God. I said sorry, God. If God is taken in a generic term by everybody listening then that's well and good," he said Although he qualifies his God, nonetheless, it is still an apology and he has graduated one rank higher to the Good sectors of society. 

Who is Bad? That is the illegal occupant in the WH. Everything he says, everything he does is bad. He does not lift a finger at the separation of children from their parents, no matter if they are below five years old. He curses the heads of states at the Nato meeting for not sharing enough in defense spending. 

Why in the first place should making war be a major policy in the world? Why spend for arms instead of food for the hungry; why not spend for making drinking water available everywhere; why not have funds for the printing of books and provision of computers to every student; why not provide housing for all the homeless? and many, many more. Thousands of people have turned refugees seeking a better life in Europe and other places just so they can escape from violence and lack of caring for their lives in their countries. Surely, the money for defense should be spent more ethically for these people.  

So, Folks that's really a Bad guy, the typical villain in a Hollywood movie. 

The third is the Ugly. Who is it? Can you guess? The Ugly Communist. Yes Folks, there are the Good, the Bad and now the Ugly... Communist who tampered with the elections in the United States and whose recipient of his revolting act is none other than the Bad guy above. 

Aren't we having a whole panorama of different characters in the political world, Folks? We should be laughing... and crying at the same time because the word Democracy is being made obsolescent. 

But wait, who is the good Communist? Aplenty in our midst. They are those who are trying to act quickly so that the hot-headed war freaks would not pull their triggers so easily. They are those who are sharing their efforts and resources at making the world less impoverished. 

But what is really a Communist? The root word of Communism is  the Latin "communis," meaning "common" or "shared." Ergo, to go by the original word, it is very noble - a sharing of something. the common enjoyment of benefits, of goods, of services. 

However, since Marx and Engels reinvented the word and gave it a new meaning: it has become this: socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classesmoney and the state

We know of course that it's a dream, an inspiration and that there is no perfectly Communist regime. China and Russia, purportedly have perpetual heads of state who rule their countries. They are not exporting Communism at all but are getting the other countries to accept their grants, whether funds or equipment just so they would not be  attacked politically or no one will question their expansionist excursions in lands that are not theirs. (Russia annexed Crimea and intervened militarily in Ukraine and in the United States insured the election of their business partner who is learning the ropes of how to catch international attention: that is by attacking and attacking positions regardless of facts. Meanwhile, China has wandered in the areas that are rightfully owned by the Philippines in the South China Sea.)

People not power should be the priority. 

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