Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Image result for statue of liberty images, surrealistic

Reading the news about the NATO and the Helsinki meetings between the Illegal Occupant of WH and the European leaders, I now ask many questions:

Did the voters for the IO of WH know that his greater loyalty is for Putin and not the democratic traditions of the country?

"Trump appeared to side with the Kremlin over his own nation's intelligence community, accepting Putin's “extremely strong and powerful” denial of Russian interference in the 2016 election campaign. " (Washington Post) 

Did they know that they were going to be subjected to drama and subterfuge, despite swearing to uphold the US Constitution during his inauguration?

Did they know his real character, that he has a chameleon-like predisposition - Color change in chameleons has functions in camouflage. (wikipedia)  that he not only changes colors, but jumps from one role to another, unpredictable but largely untruthful? 

Did they know that they were shamed internationally by their leader, when he said in a tweet: Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!

This is the first time I have read and encountered a leader who shames his own people to the rest of the world, only because he owes his presidency to a foreign power. 

The wife has no business standing up with this person at all. She will tarnish her own history should it be written in the future by her association with him who is reviled by all politically and democratically conscious citizens of the world. 

What other revelations do the the people need in order to really fathom and act on what is happening to their country as she is being led into the abyss of being a puppet-country of another race? 

"Russians (Russian: русские, russkiye) are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Eastern Europe. The majority of Russians inhabit the nation state of Russia, while notable minorities exist in other former Soviet states such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic states."

"The majority of Americans or their ancestors immigrated to America or are descended from people who were brought as slaves within the past five centuries, with the exception of the Native American population and people from HawaiiPuerto RicoGuam, and the Philippine Islands,[51] who became American through expansion of the country in the 19th century,[52] additionally America expanded into American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands in the 20th century.[53]
Despite its multi-ethnic composition,[54][55] the culture of the United States held in common by most Americans can also be referred to as mainstream American culture, a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of Northern and Western European colonists, settlers, and immigrants.[54] It also includes influences of African-American culture.[56] Westward expansion integrated the Creoles and Cajuns of Louisiana and the Hispanos of the Southwest and brought close contact with the culture of Mexico. Large-scale immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries from Southern and Eastern Europe introduced a variety of elements. Immigration from AsiaAfrica, and Latin America has also had impact. A cultural melting pot, or pluralistic salad bowl, describes the way in which generations of Americans have celebrated and exchanged distinctive cultural characteristics.[54]
In addition to the United States, Americans and people of American descent can be found internationally. As many as seven million Americans are estimated to be living abroad, and make up the American diaspora."

It is sad to note that only one newspaper in Britain covered extensively the thousands of groups that demonstrated against this visit of the IO, in London, Scotland, and Helsinki. Why so? Were the other media prevented from expressing their views?

It is very difficult to understand what's happening politically to the United States. One thing is sure: it is being destabilized from within, with strong support from without by a cabal of power-hungry group that is seeking to establish power all over the world. And they have found a willing, weak, and easy to manipulate puppet whose driving interests and personal ambitions are highly materialistic and anti-democratic.

Unfortunately he is purported to lead the country, to where is difficult to predict. 

God save America!

Statue of Liberty picture by Tumblr

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