Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Are we Asians really polite to all our visitors, regardless of whether they come in as officials with dubious backgrounds or not-- for example, having cheated in the elections?

I don't think so. Our stoic personality in facing such disgusting characters only shows that we have a high regard for humanity: that we respect the capability of those villains to change themselves, to be sensitive enough to know that what they had done to run up to the highest position of the land was a big political flaw that should be resolved legally. 

But you see, Folks, there are really some characters who are thick-skinned and would continue pretending that they really had won squarely in the elections. 

I think it does not augur well when we are just quiet about the destruction and/or bastardization of democratic processes in the election of the highest officials or even the lower officials of the land, and in our case, the barangay levels. 

By being quiet, we sound like we are condoning the cheating, and that we don't want any conflict especially during a very regal event as the coming together of leaders of the ten countries in the ASEAN.

That could also be considered hypocritical, as we know the real character yet we refuse to say something. 

I think right now, the villain is using smooth talks, fooling around, to pretend that he is legitimate, when he is not. 

Anyway, I really find it difficult understanding and accepting diplomacy. In that field, there are many compromises that are being made which in the long run could ruin the image of the other leaders, and or destroy the faith of the people on them. 

Perhaps it is high time to know that there are really political characters who would use other people to legitimize themselves in the eyes of the world; they would smooth-talk their way to power, in order to deaden all kinds of moves that could make them look like a laughing stock. 

But who really has the final laugh, Folks? I expect that to come from the American people, really, especially the women. 

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