Saturday, November 25, 2017


Not this way of talking, never. 

President Duterte is very articulate when talking in English. In fact, sometimes I have to sift through the dictionary about certain words that he uses. 

I think he wants to emphasize a point why he wants to scuttle the peace talks with the CPP-NDF.

In the first place, peace means starting with those who are conferencing. They are the leaders and hence the power to stop all forms of violence in the cities, the farms, the rural areas, the mountains, the high seas and everywhere else. 

When this is not followed, it is like stabbing the other in the back. The fact that the CPP-NDF has not made a firm stand about stopping the killings, means that it condones them. And that is indeed very sad. 

We must have six months of moratorium on killings before any of the party should start firing again. That should be the main provision -- all hostilities must stop as soon as everybody sits down to talk. 

Secondly, a public TV should air the discussions so that we can follow what is being discussed. It is highly unfair that only the representatives of the government can hear everything that is being said by the other side. 

The problem with the parties is that they are talking on different levels: the government is trying to stop the CPP-NDF from ambushing and killing policemen and the military, while the other party is using ad hominem arguments, meaning attacking the character and personal traits of Duterte to show that he is the villain. I think talks would surely stall in this manner.

We must have intelligent discussions between and among gentlemen and gentlewomen. 

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