Sunday, February 5, 2017


DON'T SHOOT (Mike Brown) by workerOur country is stepping backward againDON'T SHOOT (Mike Brown) by worker with the two forces: government military and the New People's Army facing each other again. How many mothers will lose their sons and daughters? How many wives will become widowed? How many children will be orphaned? How many communities will be ransacked, burned, demolished and abandoned because of the encounters. 

The problem is very simple to solve: If the Communist Party of the Philippines wants 400 political prisoners to be freed, please, let us know their names and get their views and plans for a new life without war. We need to give them a chance to lead a life free from secretly plotting here and there. 

Therefore, I suggest that all those 400 political prisoners be evaluated, their promise to lead a peaceful life secured. I am sure many of them want to make a clean break already from the radical path which only has left them feeling numb, unfeeling and desensitized to the needs for emotional warmth of their children and their relatives in general. They could discover that love of country can entail a lot of approaches if only given the chance. 

Also, let us have a battalion of psychiatrists who will determine if their plans are sincere or not. 

I hope that goodness will always surface in any society so long as people maintain their faith in God and in humanity. 

Clip art by Mike Brown

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