Saturday, December 3, 2016


black magic hat and wandWhen talking of art, we go through the debates of form and substance. Which one is more important? 

Some people claim that to see the significance of art, the two should blend together -- the way an idea is conveyed audio-visually is as important as the message it gives. 

In literature, it is the same, A poem, though it contains a significant theme, will not be appreciable, it the form is not good. I remember a poet who used a comma on a page and everyone or almost everyone, went agog, saying that it was a poem. 

I don't subscribe too much to Houdini style of art and literature, where people are mesmerized into thinking that a product, artistic, etc. is beautiful when actually it is not. 

In the same way, when we talk of politics, the way an official is elected -- if truly elected -- is the more substantial aspect, than the declaration that he/she had won through certain sleight of hands. 

Marcos, the dictator was very adept at that. Upon declaring martial law, he cosmeticized the bureaucracy by employing intellectuals from the university. And so, it seemed to appear then that his martial law was not intellectually-challenged and so required everyone's hallelujiah, instead of massive demonstrations against it. 

It seems that history has a way of repeating itself. We are being treated to a broad array of political scenarios that are happening even in a big western country as the US. 

 The US official-to-be is very good at employing brazen media blitzkriegs to show that he is a valid heir to the "throne" despite protests to the contrary. 

He has even called presidents to show that he will be in charge soon. How truly brazen and it is happening in the country, so-called bastion of democracy. 

I wonder what future holds for Americans now that we see a continental cover-up of the real will of the people..

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