Wednesday, November 30, 2016


After people vote, does that mean they are already citizens, exercising their right of suffrage?

When they fill up the ballots and then drop them into election voting machines, are these enough to call them citizens?

What is being a citizen? This topic cropped up with me after a soon-to-be-an official barring genuine recounts of the votes in three States in US, said that if the illegal votes would be invalidated then he would have won the popular votes. 

I thought that this person is casting aspersions on an election process that has no basis at all, and I thought, would that make him a citizen? a good citizen?

What is a good citizen? 

A good citizen takes pride in his/her nationality. 

A good citizen takes pride in the race of the people he/she belongs to.

A good citizen takes pride in the history of the people that he/she belongs to -- especially in the defense of liberation of the country from colonial, neo-colonial and anti-democratic forces;  its defense against authoritarian regimes; its defense against iniquitous behavior and socio-political, economic and cultural forces that degrade women and children, especially; its defense against perpetuating poverty and underdevelopment as well as wars. . 

A good citizen takes pride in being with the people.

I would like to  think that political transitions really encourage us to think deeply of our position in our country, the position of our country in the world, and our own space in the universe. Let us think and rethink if our actions would redound to a permanent good for humanity or will just massage our egoes. 

What are we in this planet for?

Salvador Dali painting "The Persistence of Memory"

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