Monday, June 29, 2009


I received three emails last Saturday from three American non-profit environmental groups, thanking me for my participation - through email - on their campaign for the passing of the House of the legislation on greening America. Emails came from Gillian Caldwell of 1Sky, Steve Bouchard of Repower America and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Chief Executive Officer, Green For All. Their campaigns consisted of requests for people to call up their representatives to pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES!)and it was passed. $860 million have been allocated to the Green Jobs Act!

One suggestion of mine in the email was to let big baloons float in the skies of those cities with the highest pollution, together with a caption: STOP POLLUTING THE SKIES.

Gillian wrote: "Together, we sent Congress more than 18,000 faxes and made 1,600 phone calls to strengthen and pass this bill. We jammed the congressional switchboards and fought hard to get some key amendments to increase efficiency, renewables, and to help low-income communities transition into green jobs.

But, the really tough work has just begun. The bill will face tough opposition from Dirty Coal and Big Oil in the Senate and we will all need to work just as hard in the coming months to pass a clean energy bill."

Aren't they Positive Thinking Americans really worthwhile emulating when it comes to the environment?

Congratulations, Folks

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