Thursday, March 26, 2020



Watch as we use music to send the message and further raise awareness on the Corona Virus pandemic. We hope you enjoy the music, pick the message, share widely & spread the word. In solidarity, we shall beat the virus.

Folks I got this from tweet. You can listen to the music there. Here are the lyrics:

The bad news is that everyone is a potent
But the good news is that everyone is a potential solution
Sensitize the masses to sanitize
Keep a social distance and quarantine

Refrain: The corona virus disease is sweeping over mankind.
Everybody must be alert
It's a global pandemic we can never take for granted
Everybody must take charge
It's a matter of life we can never take for granted

Discipline and personal hygiene and make sure you regularly wash your hands
Keep a distance from everyone
Report anything like a symptom
Serious fever is a symptom
Dry cough is a symptom
Sneezing is a symptom too
Itchy eyes and flu is a symptom
If you get sick please do not transmit the disease
Isolate yourself from the public
Be patriotic
See what's happening in Italy
Many people have died
Prevention is better than cure
Refrain: The corona virus disease should not be taken lightly
It's a matter of life we can never take for granted

Folks, the song's lyrics lack the last part, I think. So, if you have A-class computer, just listen to the Tweet originally uploaded song. It is danceable, reggae style of a song, and it mixes English and African (Ugandan, I think) words. But the message is very clear -- a universal appeal for everyone to get involved in stopping the corona virus disease.
Happy listening.

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