Tuesday, July 2, 2019


The United States has to be very careful and circumspect in choosing the candidate against the impostor in the WH. He has lasted so long that it seems he has mastered the art of insulating himself from any brickbats whether from political parties or the people themselves. His political advisers from within and without are surely moving hell and high waters to make his stay on and on despite the derogatory findings regarding his ascension into the position.

To my mind,  the best candidate to face this guy is one who is his complete opposite.  I say this because the American people seem still not in the know about his real character and so could vote for him without regard for deeper consequences that would happen should his stay be prolonged.

I think that media play a big part in shaping the people's opinions about the elections. Objectivity is no longer the issue here. It is the soul of the nation.

There are many distractions in America. Unlike in Russia.

You know Folks, I read that Sergei Eisenstein, the Russian filmmaker was very involved in making political films like Battleship Potemkin to commemorate the Revolution of 1905 in the twenties.  He also directed "October or Ten Days that Shook the World, which in the space of two hours dealt with the shifts of power in the government after the 1917 Revolution..." (brittanica.com). You can read more about him in the latter.

On the other hand, in America, what came out were escapist films like King Kong and Alice in Wonderland.

Today, despite the earthshaking shift in political power in the US, the entry of a nonpolitician. an actor with a very shallow understanding of world politics but is now being presented as world leader for peace, what movies are being made? Sci-films that are still escapist in nature. These are the films that dull the senses, that make the people turn away from political realities, that make them forget that something is awry in their political structures.

Folks. this problem of the impostor is not funny anymore. The longer he stays, the deeper the grave where democracy is bing interred.

Media brought down Marcos in our country. Our media was educational - pointing to the people the need for freedom which he had snatched from our grasp.

But in the US, the media has the tendency to obfuscate the political realities, especially the movies.

I think it is time for everyone in media to get together and decide once and for all if they should only think of saving their careers or presenting to the the people the real score of  how the IO has bluffed his way to power.

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