Saturday, July 6, 2019


One criticism of advertising:


"Another strong criticism of advertising is that it corrupts society by promoting materialism. Proponents of social responsibility accuse advertisers of taking advantage of the free enterprise system to exploit various populations with unethical, misleading and offensive advertising. The result, they say, is a less informed and less caring population of consumers. According to the American Educational Foundation, critics claim that ads play on peoples’ emotions with promises of social acceptance and sex appeal, causing them to make purchases they can’t really afford and don’t need. Advertisers can’t force consumers to buy something they don’t need, but enough effective advertising can increase consumer wants and desires." (

The presence of several San Miguel beer ads (It even has the caption: "Don't Text and Drive" when it should be "Don't Drink and Drive"  in the middle of the avenue shows that education of the youth is the last in their priorities. It only wants to sell beer and nothing more, regardless of whether their ads induce people to drink while driving. This is the criticism of advertising above, -- advertising as a profession corrupts society promoting buy-buy and nothing more. Parents should discourage their children from taking up advertising as a profession no matter how attractive the technologies used, unless the school or university itself has ethical professors who would infuse their students with a great sense of social responsibility.   

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