Thursday, February 18, 2010



It has been quite a struggle for us to change leaders since the 80's. Marcos refused to leave his seat until Cory and People Power overcame him.
FVR wanted to extend his term but another mild people power was held in Luneta which stopped him. Erap was not able to finish his term. gma took over and tried to legitimize her ascendancy by running in 2004 vs FPJ. She used all means, even having a pact with the 'devil" those who massacred journalists and other civilians in Maguindanao just so she could win by a margin of 1 M. Right now, she also refuses to vacate the seat and is seeking a comeback through Congress.

Are we not flagellants in a way? Maybe the Catholic Church should have one final and stinging voice against those who violate the people's will.
It is high time that it announces its stance -- that of making gma stop running. No, that is not being anti-Christian. In fact that is the most Christian act because she has had the seat and the perks for more than a deade already. we, the filipino people, deserve a break.

It should come out with a homiy, stating why gma should get out of government, and point out the qualities that are needed in one.

That would be Divine Justice.

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