Thursday, September 17, 2009


The past days have seen many presidential candidates fall on the wayside: Among Ed Panlilio, Mar Roxas, Bayani Fernando, and Noli de Castro. Still standing up are Chiz Escudero, apart from declared nominees: Noynoy Aquino and G. Teodoro who are relatives.

The heat of the 2010 politics is really upon us and there is no turning back anymore. People on radio, in print, on tv, at sidewalks, at cafes etc. are all talking of 2010. Why is this very important to us now?

First of all, people are tired of this administration. We want out of it. No more pictures, no more tarpaulins, no more voice to be heard on tv or radio of the president who was not elected, the "president" without a conscience, the most travelled, has the highest number of military men in the cabinet, etc.

Secondly, we are shaping a new politics. We want to solve the problems of corruption and so we view elections as one big measure to limit the entry of the corrupt into the circles of leadership in our country. Now that is a big question mark: how do we do that?

Folks, do you really think the Catholic church is after change in this country? Look again. It will marginalize well-meaning candidates should they support the reproductive health. They would rather side with the conservatives who turn a blind eye to corruption, than be with those health advocates?

Pray, Folks, the Catholic Church will be facing an irate majority -- who have remained poor despite the clinging to pro-life. What will being pro-life bring except more and more children, a higher rate of population, more mouths to feed, less people to get education as the resources are limited, and less roofs to house them in. As the number gets bigger, of course the resources dwindle.

Through all these years, the pro-lifers have had their hey day. What do they say now to the poverty? Will married child-bearing couples wait for the government to start livelihood programs before making love at night, curbing their urges as their mind tells them to follow the teaching of priests? I have been reading the Bible and nowhere do I read anything about allowing an unbridled copulatory act.

Maybe it is high time that all those seeking change should already make the priests and nuns pushing the pro-life stance and which curbs the use of artificial devices, even condoms, those harmless devices that could make a night guilt-free, realize that their celibate condition does not match their rhetoric about their issue.

Let us never say that we could lose 2010 all because the Catholic priests and nuns prefer going along with Gloria's pet as his stance matches theirs. Again, if that happens then they are the biggest problem of the people, not the corrupt in the government.

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