Tuesday, August 14, 2018


We should not be dazzled by the hoopla over the creation of this and that organization that purports to prepare for the next elections. This is too much burden on the minds of the people. We are being drawn into a time of politicking that resurrects people regardless of their errors, crimes, and even links with questionable people and that have brought the continuing depravity of the lives of the people. 

What is the raison d'etre of a political party?

A political party should have principles, and the basics are that the people's voice, the people's will, the people's aim to attain self-determination must be paramaount in all their activities. 

The Philippines has a long history of non-imperialistic activities. We did not invade any country at all and stuck our flag there to indicate our ownership. Instead, we have always been at the receiving end of imperialists, or land and isle poachers who denigrate whatever victories we have received from international organizations. Sabah, our island has not been returned to us, and the country occupying it is enjoying all the benefits from its natural resources, while the real owners have to deal with their woes and depressing situation because of lack of definite support from the government. 

Our isles in the Pacific are being used without our consent; without having gotten our consent at all. 

What do these prove? I think that these things are happening to us because we are looked down upon by international countries as short, dark, brown Filipino women and men who would easily forget our principles in the face of dollars and other currencies. The way many women carry themselves in public, showing their private parts contributes to this degrading image. 

In other words, our greatest error is the way we accept the way we are treated by people from other countries. Our greatest error is allowing our governmental system to be run by rogues who see it as a source of more and more wealth. 

A political party must have principles. What are they? Let us ask each and every political party to show us that they are sincere in running this country and aim to better our lives, that our people need not go out of our shores in order to be second or even third class citizens easing the lives of other people at the expense of their immediate families. 

Secondly, a political party is selective of the people who will join them because otherwise they are blinding the people to what is a laudable political participation. Pragmatic politics is the highest form of corrupt politics. Pragmatic politics bows to money that can buy the people's votes. Pragmatic politics allows corrupt wealthy individuals to join in politics just for the sake of being well-funded. Pragmatic politics allows anyone even with questionable past and values to join in. 

Thirdly, a political party raises the political education of the people as to what would bring the highest good. It incites them to use their gut and reason in choosing candidates and not be attracted to those with the deepest pockets. 

Fourthly a political party seeks the best sincere individuals in the country who will bring integrity, honesty and dedication in serving the people. 

Are we being babes in the woods? Are we being pollyanesque in that we cannot accept how the political world is run at all?

We must begin to change our political activities and lifestyles already. I have seen some officials who treat their positions as if they own them. Excuse me, you were voted upon and so you cannot claim that you have the last word in running that office. 

To run an office is to be armed with the proper political principles, to make people's consultations the prime protocol when designing a program or undertaking a project and not use just common sense for doing this and that, or ramming down our throats certain laws that only benefit a few and not the majority of the people. 

I think that all committees in the legislative branch of our government should start reviewing the activities of the Commission on Elections. The first change should occur in not insulting candidates who offer their names as candidates for positions and requiring them to have a party and logistics. The Constitution does not state that those who run should have a party. 


Thirdly, the legislative changes should indicate the step by step procedures for running for office. After submitting one's name, what should a candidate receive? What are the steps that he or she should do? What are the legal papers to be presented? 

In the past, I have been asked to face the panel of commissioners only to become their laughing stock just because I did not have a party. When I ran again in 2004 together with the Democratic Party of the Philippines the Commission deleted the whole party from the list of eligible political parties without any reason based on what the Constitution says at all. A hush-hush reason was that millions of pesos were being charged for approval of the DPP as a legit party. I myself was called upon by a guy, an "operator" from Comelec who had told me to pawn my house and to give him P300,000 to run as Senator? I have not house of my own, I told him and that ended my aim to serve our country. 

Such acts should not be allowed to happen again. 

Also, as soon as an individual presents himself or herself as a candidate, the interviews should be conducted publicly, to allow the people to see who is genuine and not genuine in terms of serving the country. 

Maybe the best thing to happen is for the legislative branches to call for public meetings to discuss the way the Comelec should exercise its functions. In this way, we will also expose those employees who hide their true intentions and manipulate the results of the candidacies to favor those who can bribe them. I remember that in one district Comelec office, I complained that a candidate had spent more than what was allowed. 

She looked at me as if to say, "who are you to question her abilities as a candidate?"

Lastly, attaching ourselves to a party should not be a sine qua non to becoming a candidate. That is creating too many layers in political participation. Anyone, should be able to run, so long as they are sincere, can read and write. Let the people decide and not the political parties. I still believe that our society should nurture mavericks, independent individuals who do not go along with a group or party. I would call them, people who have minds of their own. 

Folks, it's time for us to really focus our mind on the Comelec so that we could choose our leaders properly. The Comelec is the first step to political participation and so should merit our biggest magnifying glasses.  

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