An official who keeps mocking the media is hiding something. It's a sign of insecurity that he could be found out or that secret would be found out.
Come on Folks, let's open our eyes wide to all of his shenanigans. I am awaiting eagerly for September when all these investigations will be ended -- in favor of the true winner.

to those who mock the democratic media practitioners:

for Mr. Mueller:
for the IO:

and from Socrates to the fence-sitters:
for the jailed campaign manager:

and lastly for the resurrected czar in that other continent:
Folks read These:
Wednesday, October
TRUMP: KHASHOGGI KILLING ‘WORST COVER-UP’ Trump called the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi “the worst cover-up
ever.” He told journalists: “They had a very bad original concept. It was
carried out poorly and the cover-up was one of the worst cover-ups in the
history of cover-ups. Very simple. Bad deal, should have never been thought of.
Somebody really messed up.” [HuffPost] [Tweet | Share
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Questions: 1. Was he talking as how a president of a democratic
Country should be or just as a bureaucrat who likes analyzing Projects?
2. Was he talking as a Moral individual who could be sensitive to the
plight of any victim of violence?
3. Was he teaching the Saudians how to be more refined in their
aggressiveness and violent Actions?
4. Was he speaking and acting as a leader who would guide the People to the
path of a very righteous land?
It pays to analyze the words of a leader in order to know where he is
bringing the world - to more bloody endings or a haven for all who are tired of
what is going on now - wars, Inflation, Powerplays and many more.
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