Sunday, September 6, 2020


German government finds that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned by a chemical nerve agent,"

This is a very sad finding. The NATO has responded: "NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has called on Russia to fully cooperate with an 'impartial investigation' led by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) into the suspected poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny... 

"Last month, Navalny was evacuated to Berlin after falling ill during a Russian flight. The hospital where he was treated in Siberia said he likely fell ill as a result of low blood sugar...

"However, German doctors at the Charite Hospital in Berlin said tests showed he had been poisoned. Those claims were further backed by examinations conducted by the Bundeswehr, Germany's military...

"German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that 'beyond doubt' the poisoning was an attempted murder."

- from, September 5, 2020

What are the implications of this event? It means that internationally, critics from any country are vulnerable to attacks by their government/s. It means that there are international THUGS with underlings who will carry out their orders without question. And these THUGS could be rulers of their countries. 

In other words, there are world leaders who do not respect international covenants and laws. 

This happening sends chilling threats to writers and critics whose primary wish is to right a wrong, as what had happened to Kashoggi a Saudian based in the US, a writer-critic, of Saudi royalty, who was killed in the Saudi consulate in Turkey by the Saudi government, and whose case has not been clearly solved. 

The world should not let these pass without a clear picture emerging as to who perpetrated the crimes.

Why do THUGS exist?

Another THUG exists in the United States who says Halllelujiah to the acts of another THUG IN ANOTHER CONTINENT.

We must examine the family backgrounds of these THUGS so that the world will be safe from their acts and influence. 

We must have stronger sanctions against acts of THUGS in order to insure the safety of everyone, critic or non-critic. 

I think it is time for parents to assess how they are raising boys in the family and for us to end THUGGERY.*

Also, organizations must insure that leadership roles are frequently assessed whether they are breeding democratic not authoritarian  leaders. 


Thuggery - violent behavior, especially of a criminal nature.

"a cowardly act of mindless thug

Pilipino terms for THUG: BUGOY, SANGGANO


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