Saturday, July 3, 2010


It's day three of P. Noy's administration. Is there a surfeit or dearth of individuals who can help his administration gather more supporters and bring about a n efficient, effective and pro-people (meaning pro-women and men, pro young and old, pro-disabled, pro all colors, pro people with different types of religions)?

One criterion that every public servant who will serve with him I think should have this one requirement: they should be welcoming of media: both those critical and non-critical of his administration. Critical does not mean writing or reporting to the point of bringing his administration to the point of destruction as he was elected legally and by a tremendous number of people. Anyone wh does that desrves chastisement.

Hence, if an official does not welcome criticism, critical thoughts, or even a full discussion of issues then that official does not deserve to be in P. Noy's cabinet. After nine years of illegal rule, we deserve a free atmosphere that will bring about a full democratic space -- unbridled by bigotry, conservatism and fascist tendencies.

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