Saturday, April 18, 2009


A major change will take place in the political arena this year 2009 paving the way for a new administrative system. Single men single system will be replaced by a coalition of forces that will elect their own into a position of power. A consensus will be found among various groups to collaborate together for national interest. Past coalitions have not worked until now; an elected person with the consensus of the majority in the coalition will lead the nation.

The Spirit of God shows me it will be a smooth transition into the next era; This will be a surprise to many. The violence, corruption often related to the Philippines will be minimal. The street demonstrations will not be needed anymore as the people who are regal and destined for a better hope of a greater future will lead the pathway to change. The political climate will change drastically this year 2009. This is the defining moments of the nation in the history of this nation. There will be a miraculous appreciation of all for the change in leadership to take place. This welcomed change will usher in the years of amazing development and progress.

The Lord has seen the afflictions of the poor and needy in the land and He Himself will intervene in their affairs and defend their case. The orphan, widows and the poor will see the vindication of God. The redistribution of wealth in the nation will be entrusted to godly men like Joseph. The system currently flourishes with the greed and covetousness of men. This corrupt act is destroying equal and proper spread of His resources for His people. "The days of plunder (are) over," says the Lord. The days of plenty will flow into the nation….

Quoted by Mila D. Aguilar in
Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:26 PM

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