Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 Democracy in its simplest is a dialogue between two people where each one hears and speaks out on the ideas that are on the table. In the family, it is the dialogue between children, among children and between child/children and the parents. In the larger society, it is between the community and the leaders.

The discussions can range from the simplest to the most complex issues, from the personal to the social, from matters concerning honor and dishonor and/or life and death, among others.

What is happening in the United States now is not democracy in action at all. You have an autocrat for a president who disparages the security force, denigrates history, and turns democratic institutions upside down. He is allowed to do all these despite the harm they are doing to the consciousness of the people - their ideas about what being a president is, what the executive department should be, what relations a country can have to other nations, what national pride and dignity are as a people and so much more. Instead of inspiring the people, he makes the people afraid. He stokes their fear of the present and the future although the norm should be that the people take control of their lives, and to many, under the guidance of God.

The gravest act of this IO is to downgrade even those who have served in the military as "losers."

Democracy is not this way at all. This is national suicide -- the people being led to believe that a "strong" president is one who can do all these things whence actually this is playing to the political game of the foreign forces who had helped install him. These forces exactly wants the US to look weak, ready to be led to the slaughter house.

And so, we should not look up anymore to the USA as the prime mover of democracy in the world now until after elections in November whereby the American people shall have formally presented their choice of a truly democratic president.

At the present time, democracy there is not because everyone is allowed to criticize that IO, or is able to analyze to its minutest detail what that IO is doing in audio-visually glamorous instances. Why so? That is because the subject in focus is the classical case of an undemocratic leader who does not deserve at all to be the center of attention. His presence is doing more harm than good in the consciousness of the younger generations who are still shaping their idea of what political leadership means. The less we see of him, domestically and so much more so internationally, the better, the more peaceful, and most authentic the world shall be.

Authentic democracy is what we crave for, not playing into the game of a puppet.

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