I am aghast at the type of Easter messages I hear over the radio. -- "As we died with Christ, so did we resurrect with Him." What kind of a message is that? Good God, whoever hears that would say, but I am not Christ. How could I die with him?
Then the message also talks of our getting cleansed of our sins. What sins are they talking about? Christ lived in an era where there was so much greed, oppression and fighting between traditional priests and Jesus. So what sins is the message talking about?
I believe in the teachings of Christ but making a parallelism between his life and mine is an entirely different thing. His having been a moral guide and a persevering servant of God are difficult to copy and could only serve as an ideal for us to inspire us to help others.
Also, I believe more in broadcasters' expounding on the value of the teachings of Christ rather than in romanticizing or mistifying his death.
His death was a gory experience and nowhere would people want to die in that manner except for some who have done it yearly, that is being nailed on the cross.
So the writer of that radio message has a distorted view of faith -- very masochistic I must say. I hope the station company president would replace it with a more humane message, more attuned to strengthening our faith on the Christian teachings rather than wallowing in poor imitation of the death of Christ.
Christ's message that I like best is "Feed my sheep."
-From Mayhem Mediums "Jesus carrying the cross" www.saatchiart.com
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