Who are the presidential candidates who will embrace the interests of the marginalized sectors of our society? Everyone.
Who are the candidates who will create a better life for artists and cultural workers? I have not heard any but Grace Poe, whose parents are movie artists surely would have her heart set in listening and doing something for their lives.
It is really very difficult predicting who will win the elections except that we know the electronic counting machines could provide fantastic results in the future.
Why are we so skeptical about the outcome of the elections? The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting should make us feel safe and secure that our votes will be counted and the right candidates shall earn the correct number of votes their constituents have given them.
I just want to suggest to the PPCRV that when they go to the people, they must emphasize that the voters should not sell their votes at all. I don't know what psychology they should use in this regard because the problem has become too common. Perhaps a historical-psychological approach should be done to ensure that they people understand the value of their votes.
Easier said than done. Some would readily get the P500 just for buying their food for the day. Hey, that is a good idea. Let us ask all the restaurants and moneyed people to give food to the people several days before elections and until the day itself to make them so fat that they would not be thinking of money to buy food at all.
Funny? I am just joking. The problem looks unsolvable because we are dealing here with character of our easy-to-buy voting sector. Maybe we should ask all the candidates to remove themselves from the scene, after voting and stay away till the counting is finished. Hey wait, buying votes usually occur on the night before, the eve of election day.
So maybe we could ask the Comelec to contain all the candidates in one place so that they would not have contact with anyone. But then, these candidates could prepare themselves ahead of time and give the money to their go-fers several days ahead to insure that the votes are bought on time.
Well, it seems it is really difficult to pin down the problem -- why because it lies on the candidates who really use that approach in order to insure their victory.
So there, the problem after all lies on the candidates themselves. Walang magbibenta ng boto kung walang bibili.
It is the candidates who will call the shots -- "how much? what is my guarantee?|"
Now how do we ask the candidates to stop committing that illegal act of vote-buying? how to erase that sin in their souls? how to cleanse themselves of that overarching desire to be in the political limelight?
Here is the State of Illinois Board of Elections statement :
Vote fraud is a clear intent or action aimed at depriving a voter of his right to vote or falsifying actual votes cast. Voters can play a major role in helping to guarantee clean elections by being on the alert for unusual activities at or near polling places and reporting irregularities to election authorities. Some of the more common methods of fraudulent activity include:
Vote buying, offering money or gifts to a voter to vote for a specific candidate;
Chain balloting, taking a previously marked ballot from the polls and passing it to a voterentering the polls;
Ghost voting, voting under the name of a deceased person a fictitious name, or anonexistent address;
Altering the figures on the tally sheet during the counting of ballots.
Money changing hands in or near the polls.
Someone passing a folded piece of paper or card to a voter who hides it on his/herperson. NOTE: voters may possess and use sample ballots to assist them while voting.
A person claiming to be someone else in order to vote. Also, someone giving anaddress or place that you know is an empty lot. Or, if you know a person doesn’t live atthe address which he claims.
More than one person in a voting booth, except under these circumstances: (a) if adisabled person signed an affidavit requesting assistance, he may have a friend or twojudges of election (one from each party) assist him; or (b) one or more children under theage of 18 may accompany their parent or guardian into a voting booth.
Electioneering within the Campaign Free Zone.
Intoxicated voters being given assistance in the voting booth.
Election Judges from both major parties are not represented in the polling place.
The judges of election are not in control of the polling place; for example, if you see someone giving orders to the election judges.
What are the measures we can take in order to stop or prevent electoral fraud?
That is something to ponder about in the coming months. Meanwhile let us enjoy the political struggles to determine who is really sincere and honest and will deliver once elected.
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