Tuesday, November 29, 2011


By Wilhelmina S. Orozco

Folks, sometime in 2007, our organization, Diwata Society of Women in Philosophy and Education put up a seminar-workshop for inventors, containing topics about tapping their creativity, ideas about marketing and distributing as well as promoting their products. It was very successful as it was funded by the TAPI of the Department of Science and Technology.

This year, I was asked by one of the participants to repeat that seminar-workshop and so I proposed the same project to TAPI. After evaluation, the committee wrote me to say that they have a similar program. Where did they get that except from our own project?

Now I am wondering if the Intellectual Property Office should step in and say that this is a case of intellectual piracy. Who will protect us from the government when it appropriates ideas of the NGOs, allowing the staff to use the same ideas and methods of imparting knowledge.

This is a ticklish issue but I am bringing it up because it seems that as we in the non-government movement think of new ideas, suddenly, the government is appropriating them and then leaving us in the cold to look for funds abroad.

My goodness! Lawyers help!!!

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